little boys and their toys

Last week I posted about a “hot wheels” carrier for my 5 year old grandson.  After it was made, I decided to make a playmat to use with his cars.  I found some great fabric on EBay, and was able to win the bids.  It came in the mail yesterday afternoon, and today I assembled the playmat.  Grandpa had decided it needed to have pellon instead of batting, and I agreed.   I made a run to the nearest Walmart that carries fabric (16 miles away) and got the necessary, and a lot of unnecessary item(s).  (while I was there, I picked up a couple of other pieces of pellon to use as stabalizer for the embroidery machine….and then I found some more cute “dress” fabric for little sundress….and the other household stuff you tend to gather into your cart at that store….look, I got out the door for a mere $100, so I felt like I did well!).

Oh; the hotwheels play mat….that’s right….the story is about that…..

I bonded the pellon to the wrong side of one of the fabrics, stitched the two fabrics together (right sides together); then turned right side out, and did some top stitching all over the mat. Didn’t want anything to shift in play or in the wash.

So; here it is; a two sided play mat for hot wheels etc!

Size is about 40 x 32, and it folds up nicely to take along.

double sided play mat

double sided play mat – the “country” side

big city play for a little boy with cars and trucks!

big city play for a little boy with cars and trucks!

Still debating if I can “attach” it to his little car carrier I made last week,  or if I should make a set of handles and a tie for this. Will decide tomorrow I suppose!

Keep on stitching!!


12 thoughts on “little boys and their toys

  1. Hi Judy. Me too!! I bought some cool scissors to use with the Embroidery machine – Havel’s Ulti-Mates Angled Machine Embroidery Scissors – LOVE them (amazon – about $16.) Worked great for going “over” the frame and snipping threads. I store them with my hoop. Also got some different weights of iron on pellon, going to try to do a t-shirt and I’ve been told that the knit stretches, the best way is the iron on.
    I’ll be watching your progress!


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